World Marketplace

The World Over The Counter Market Place for the Global Village 

The store is closed for maintenance

Why Choose Us?

The Atlanian Family are Masters of theology, history, comparative religious study, as well as Semitic languages, now called "Noology" the science of understanding or "sound right reasoning". Leaders and Rulers of the planet “Earth” be informed that they should welcome the announcement, communication, and coming of this New Ethereal Order”. The Royal Family in their official capacity has inherited the talents and gifts to help our global society perfect, protect, and persistently evolve with our planet.

About Us

Negus Shemsizedek

World Chancellor

Negus Shemsizedek is Natural Elite according to ancient cultures, for which he is also known as a Sacred Master. Shemsizedek is currently the head dean of the Global Interdependent School System (G.I.S.S). Noology is the Science (Philosophy) and way of life the World Chaplain has inherited to help our society perfect, protect, and persistently evolve with our planet. As our Mother Orb speeds and heats up to take on her next journey into the higher realms.


Please visit us at

P.O Box 52280

Houston, Texas, 77052

Store Hours

Monday — Friday

10:00 AM — 9:30 PM


Noon — 7:00 PM

